QLD’s premier protein conference to address industry changes

TSBE Food Leaders Australia (FLA) general manager Bruce McConnel is looking forward to the Protein 22 conference in Dalby on March 16 and 17.

Southern Queensland’s protein industry will soon meet to share best practice and encourage collaboration across the beef, pork, poultry and dairy sectors.

Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE) is bringing together local producers, business owners and industry representatives at the Protein 2022 conference in Dalby on March 16 and 17.

TSBE Food Leaders Australia (FLA) general manager Bruce McConnel said he was excited to reveal the four topics of this year’s conference off the back of an unprecedented year.

“Over the past 12 months we’ve seen significant disruptions within the protein sector and, as a result, innovation has thrived and the industry is now harnessing some incredible opportunities,” he said.

“At Protein 2022 we will discuss the industry growth, sustainability, workforce and innovation with some highly regarded expert speakers.

“These sessions will allow us to further drive investment into sectors we know already benefit from our region’s reliable grain production and established infrastructure.”

Mr McConnel said regional Australia now owned the conversation about protein and that the conference aimed to bring business leaders to the region for important discussions.

“World protein is growing and there is room on the plate for everyone including alternative proteins”, Mr McConnel said.

Southern Queensland is the home of intensive animal industries in Australia, with the protein sector being one of its key strengths.

More than 80 per cent of Australia’s egg production is in Queensland, with 42pc of the nation’s feedlot capacity located within a 200-kilometre radius from Dalby.

Mr McConnel encourages anyone who works in the protein sector to attend TSBE’s Protein 2022 conference, to ensure the region maintains its strong reputation.

One of this year’s speakers is FIP Group general manager for sales Adrienne Ritchie, who will share her knowledge around staffing and recruitment.

“Finding staff was a struggle before COVID-19 changed the world and now more than ever we are seeing local labour demand far outstripping supply,” Ms Ritchie said.

“We need to start promoting the protein industry as a whole and not just as ‘Jo Blogs Abattoir’ but the amazing opportunities and exciting careers in protein.”

“It won’t yield immediate results, but it will help secure the future staffing needs in this space.”

TSBE will reveal further speakers in the lead-up to the event, which is expected to attract more than 100 business leaders.

Protein 2022 is playing a major role in helping to facilitate collaborative conversions and is a must-attend event for all industry participants.

*** For more information or to book a ticket to Protein 2022 visit: www.tsbe.com.au/events/protein-2022-conference