Report Date: 19/2/2025
Saleyard: Casino
Cow numbers doubled and there was a larger penning of young cattle in a yarding of 1,700 head, which was a increase of 510. The yarding of young cattle consisted mainly of vealers and weaners, along with a few pens of yearlings offered. Quality was mixed with several pens of well bred steers and heifers, however there was also a fair number of plainer type cattle through the sale. Prices varied considerably depending on weight and breed, with increaded weight in manny of the young cattle this week. The market regained most of last weeks loss with restocker weaner steers selling from 268c to 410c, with the medium weight steers averaging 363c/kg. Restocker weaner heifers sold from 220c to 354c/kg. Yearling steers to restock and background sold from 270c to 400c, while yearling heifers ranged from 266c to 298c/kg. Trade yearling heifers reached a top price of 376c/kg.
The good yarding of heavy grown steers were 10c to 15c dearer selling from 316c to 356c/kg. The run of grown heifers sold to a strong market ranging from 270c to 317c/kg. The larger yarding of cows consisted of several consignments of high yielding heavy weights which attracted keen demand from processors to be 10c to 15c/kg dearer in places. Medium weight 2 score cows sold from 210c to 265c, while 3 score medium weights averaged 273c and heavy cows ranged from 280c to 310c/kg. Heavy bulls also sold to a dearer market reaching a top price of 296c/kg. Report compiled by Doug Robson.
Report Date: 19/2/2025
Saleyard: CQLX Gracemere
CQLX vendors penned an increased yarding of 2775 head- 619 more than last sale with cattle coming to hand from local areas south to Gin Gin and west to Bauhinia Downs and Theodore. Quality was variable and condition also varied, with some good quality, plain conditioned yearling cattle out of rain affected areas very light on. The usual field of buyers was present throughout the sale with the better-bred cattle a little stronger in places.
Good quality vealer steers averaged 425c/kg and sold to 455c/kg.
Well bred light weight yearling steers sold to 459c/kg, to average 364c to 395c/kg. Medium weights made to 427c/kg, averaging 367c to 389c/kg for the better-bred pens. Light weight yearling heifers sold to 315c/kg, returning averages from 264c to 301c/kg. Medium and heavy pens sold to top at 325c/kg, averaging 295c to 315c/kg for better, flat back drafts.
There were only a few pens of bullocks suitable for slaughter on offer – these made to 341c/kg to average 324c to 340c/kg. Feeder weight steers averaged 328c to 366c/kg for the best bred pens. Trade weight grown heifers topped at 308c/kg to average 265c to 298c/kg.
Heavy, four score cows reached a top of 300c/kg, returning averages slightly improved average of 291c/kg. Only a few heavy bulls were on offer with those to processors averaging 262c/kg and livex bulls averaging288c/kg. A larger than usual yarding of cows and calves were mostly only plain quality and light in condition. Better conditioned units in strong to forward condition made from $1,400 to $1,800 per unit whilst the lighter conditioned units sold from $1,000 to $1,300 per unit. Reporter: Richard Thomson
Report Date: 19/2/2025
Saleyard: Dalby
The trend of increased numbers experienced at other selling centres continued on at Dalby with agents penning 4,988 head an increase of 751. A consignment of 109 head from Victoria was also included in the lineup. Export and feeder buyer plus restocker attendance continues to be good and all were active in a firm to dearer market.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock were firm to 10c/kg better. Medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed were also firm to 4c/kg dearer. Light weight yearling heifers to restockers lifted in price by 6c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed improved in price by 11c to 13c/kg and heavy weight yearling heifers to feed sold to a very solid market. Heavy grown steers and bullocks were firm to marginally dearer. All classes of cows experienced some improvements of 4c to 8c/kg.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock made to a top of 448c with a good sample averaging from 402c to 406c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed averaged 389c and made to 408c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed made to 403c to average 380c/kg. Light weight yearling heifers to restockers averaged 315c with the occasional sale to 350c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed averaged from 318c to 337c and sold to 358c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers to feed also made to 358c to average 325c/kg.
Bullocks made to 359c to average 350c and the grown heifer portion made to 340c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows made to 276c to average 267c/kg. Heavy weight 3 score cows averaged 280c and the best of the heavy weight cows averaged 299c and made to 310c/kg. Heavy weight bulls made to 318c/kg. Market Reporter, Trevor Hess.
Report Date: 18/02/2025
Saleyard: Roma Store
An increase in numbers saw Roma Agents yard 7,468 head. Once again cattle were drawn from NSW as well as the normal supply district of QLD. All the regular processors feedlotters and backgrounders present and active on the better lines with the market slightly dearer for all descriptions especially the heifers and cows.
Yearling steers under 200kg made from 300c to 496c/kg. Yearling steers 200 to 280kg sold from 340c to 470c/kg. Yearling steers 280 to 330kg made to 452c/kg. Yearling steers 330 to 400kg also improved and sold from 326c to 432/kg back to restockers. Yearling steers 400 to 480kg with the majority selling from 308c to 388c/kg for the better pens. Yearling steers over 480kg made to 385c/kg.
Yearling heifers 200 to 280kg sold to 360c/kg. Yearling heifers 280 to 330kg topped 352c/kg. Yearling heifers 330 to 400kg with the majority selling from 340c to 352c/kg for the better lines. Yearling heifers 400 to 480kg topped 346c/kg to processors. Yearling heifers over 480kg made to 346c/kg to processors and 362c/kg to feed.
Grown steers 400 to 500kg made to 386c/kg to restockers. Grown steers 500 to 600kg sold mainly from 300c to 366c/kg to processors. Bullocks over 600kg also sold from 300c to 348c/kg to processors. Heifers over 540kg sold to 362c/kg to feed. Approx 1561 cows penned and sold to a stronger market. The 2 score cows 400 to 520kg made from 190c to 270c/kg. The 3 score cows over 520kg topped 316c and sold from 268c/kg. Bulls over 600kg topped 322c/kg. bulls 450 to 600kg topped 326c/kg. Market Reporter David Friend
Report Date: 18/02/2025
Saleyard: Warwick
The supply of stock lifted by 443 head to 1,443 at Warwick. All the regular export processors attended along with wholesalers and feeder buyers plus restockers. Export lines lifted in price from 4c/kg for cows and 25c/kg for bullocks with heavy feeder yearlings firm to dearer depending on the quality offered with restocker lines following a similar trend.
Light weight yearling steers to restockers sold to 416c with those over 280kg at 414c to average 365c/kg.Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market made 390c to average 365c with restockers paying to 394c/kg. Heavy yearling steers to the wholesale meat trade made 372c to average 350c with those to feed at 382c to average from 338c to 357c/kg. Yearling heifers in the 200-280kg range to background sold to 348c/kg. Yearling heifers over 280kg to feed sold to 350c and averaged 316c/kg.Medium weight heifers to feed made 346c to average 310c with butchers paying to 388c/kg.Heavy yearling heifers to feed made 340c with those to the wholesale meat trade at 366c to average 357c/kg.
Bullocks to processors sold to 360c and averaged from 347c to 350c/kg. Grown heifers to processors made 330c to average 314c/kg. Light weight plain cows to processors made 263c to average 235c/kg. Heavy score 3 cows to processors made 279c to average 274c with the best heavy cows selling to a top of 295c and averaging 287c/kg. Heavy bulls to processors sold to 318c and averaged 293c/kg. Market Reporter Errol Luck.