All are invited to the Central Queensland Avocado Grower Regional Forum held at the Multiplex Convention Centre in Bundaberg on Thursday, 13 February.
All of Central Queensland’s avocado growers, their orchard staff and packers are invited to attend this event that will also include an orchard walk. Avocados Australia chair, north Queensland director and an avocado grower Matt Kleyn, will be attending this event and he is keen to meet with growers in the region.
Matt will be joined by Avocados Australia’s two Central Queensland directors, Eric Carney and Lucia Philip.
“This is a valuable event and I look forward to meeting with growers in the region to hear about any concerns or feedback they may have,” Matt said.
The Central QLD Avocado Grower Regional Forum is supported by Avocados Australia and is one of six regional forums that will be held around the country thanks to a project being delivered by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries (DPI).
Their ‘Avocado industry development and extension’ project (AV23010) is a Hort Innovation-funded project, partly funded by avocado levies, that is responsible for delivering a range of events and resources to promote best management practices.
The ultimate goal of the extension program is to enhance the Australian avocado industry’s profitability, preparedness and competitiveness.
A range of avocado experts will be speaking on the day and the technical theme for the forum is “nutrition and fruit quality”.
Places are limited so registration is essential.
The regional forum events are already funded by avocado levies so are free and have been developed in consultation with avocado growers by the Extension project’s regional leads.
This ensures the content is relevant and specifically suited to the needs of growers in each region.
Central QLD is one of eight avocado-growing regions operating in Australia.
Hass and Shepard’s avocado varieties are mainly grown in this region and growers harvest their fruit from March to end of August.
The Central QLD Forum will provide a chance to give avocado growers and packers an update about the industry.
Presentations will cover topics such as the Avocado industry extension project, an update on fruit quality, an overview on carbohydrate management, nitrogen use, and practices that enhance fruit quality.
Speakers presenting on the day include Bridie Carr (DPI), Renata Grunennvaldt (DPI), John Tyas (Avocados Australia chief executive officer), John Agnew (DPI), Lisa Fyffe (Ripe Horticulture), Simon Newett, and Chris Searle (MacAvo Consulting).
Growers and speakers will also take part in Round Robin Sessions during the day.
Avocados Australia chief executive officer John Tyas will present the industry update at the forum.
“Avocados Australia is doing all that it can to increase demand, events like these provide growers with the chance to fact find, network and source the best advice so our industry can make sure consumers have positive eating experiences so they buy more avocados,” he said.
Avocado industry members interested in attending the Central QLD Avocado Grower Regional Forum should register online for free at www.trybooking.com/CXQZU