With many Red Angus-cross cattle making the front row at the 2024 Ekka led steer and heifer competitions, now might be the time to introduce some Red Angus genetics to your beef herd.
Renowned worldwide for calving ease, maternal excellence and carcase qualities, a great selection of bulls, females and genetics will be offered at the Power of Red X sale at the Toowoomba Showgrounds Equestrian Arena on 14 September, starting at 11am.
In all, 29 bulls, nine females and five genetic lots will be sold from 11 different vendors in Queensland and NSW, providing buyers with a great range of options to choose from.
Maryanne Kearney, Boonyouin Reds, is once again presenting a strong line up of bulls (Lots 6 – 8, 28 and 29) and semen (Lots 42A and 42B).
A founding member of the Power of Red group, the Boonyouin bulls are always in demand.
Kirrily and Brooke Iseppi, GK Livestock, Dalby, are again putting up a strong line-up of Red Angus genetics. Another of the inaugural exhibitors, the Iseppi lots will no doubt be keenly sought.
Bulls (Lots 25 and 26), females (Lots 36 and 37) and genetics (Lot 42) will be offered.
Heather Davies, Rosemullion Red Angus, Goomburra, Queensland is the third and final founding member of the original POR I sale in 2015.
Heather is again one of our volume vendors offering another great draft of five bulls (Lots 10 – 12, 22 and 23).
Amelie Martin, AKM Red Angus, Stony Creek, Queensland is offering two bulls (Lots 13 and 14) at this year’s sale.
Amelie is one of our Red Angus junior members and is breeding some lovely cattle with the help and support of other POR group members.
Caleb Denning, DPC Red Angus, is one of three first-time vendors at this sale.
Based at Pittsworth, Queensland, Caleb is offering one bull (Lot 15), and two heifers (Lots 31 and 32).
Julie and James Brophy and family, Jillibry Red Angus, Meringandan West, are returning this year to offer a single bull (Lot 16).
Allan and Lucie Brown, Keen Edge Red Angus, Pittsworth will offer both bulls (Lots 17 and 24) and a heifer (Lot 30).
Peter and Trina Redgwell are first-time vendors at this year’s sale. Their Heartland Red Angus operation is based at Tamworth, NSW. The Redgwell family will offer one bull (Lot 9) and one heifer (Lot 38). The POR group wishes the Redgwell the best of selling at their first sale with us.
The Knee family’s Mellowood Red Angus, Loomberah, NSW is one of our visitors from south of the border. They will offer three bulls (Lots 5, 18 and 19) and one female (Lot 35).
Lachlan Moore, Moorevale Red Angus, Langley Vale, NSW is another of our Red Angus junior members forging a path in the breed. Lachlan was a strong buyer at the 2023 POR IX sale and hopes to share some of the genetics bought at that sale.
Lachlan is selling one bull (Lot 27) and an embryo package (Lot 39).
David and Ashleigh Hobbs, Round-Em-Up/Moorwatha Red Angus, Molong, NSW will offer six bulls this year (Lots 1 – 4, 20 and 21). They will also offer two females (Lots 33 and 34) and one semen package (Lot 40).
An online version of the sale catalogue is available on the Red Angus website (www.redangus.org.au) or on the Stocklive website. (www.stocklive.com.au)
Nutrien Toowoomba are the selling agents and interested bidders can bid on the sale lots either live at the Toowoomba Showgrounds, via phone through Nutrien livestock or online through Stocklive.
* The Power of Red X sale is at the Toowoomba Showgrounds Equestrian Arena on 14 September, starting at 11am.