Genetics focus pays off

Presentation of Champion Single Lamb, first Pen of Restaurant Lambs and Reserve Champion Pen of Three lambs 2024 Ekka. Mark Carey, Carey Bros abbatoir, Yangan (sponsor), carcase judge Pat McMahon, McMahon Bros, Killarney, David and Robbie Curtis, Bellevue and steward Peter Hood, Pittsworth. (Supplied)

With breeding objectives consistently and firmly focused on meat and maternal attributes, Bellevue has again demonstrated the winning attributes of their genetics.

Bellevue Dorper lambs claimed the Champion Paddock to Plate, Overall Reserve Champion Pen of Three, Champion Grass Fed Single Lamb, First Restaurant Trade Lambs, Second Light Trade Lambs and a Second and third Heavy Trade Lambs at the 2024 Ekka.

Bellevue stud principal David Curtis said they put a lot of time, effort and data collection into their Dorper genetics.

“We are thrilled to see our prime lambs coming out on top,” he said.

“The feedback from seeing what an ideal, trade-suitable lamb carcase looks like, as a seedstock producer, is invaluable.

“We are thrilled to have taken out the overall Paddock to Plate Competition for the second year in a row.“

The champion grass-fed lambs, were a pen of three White Dorper lambs, who had an IMF of 5.55 per cent, exclusively raised on organic pasture on the Bellevue property.

These lambs weighed 51kg hot on the scales before being processed the following day and dressing out at 26kg.

“For us, it demonstrates that our stud breeding objectives are on point,“ Mr Curtis said.

The EKKA result backs up Bellevue’s success at the EKKA’s last Prime Lamb competition.

“Our breeding continues to focus on selecting the factors we believe align with the production of quality and trade suitable prime lamb,“ Mr Curtis said.

These include:

Hardiness and functionality

Fast growth to market weight

Medium-framed ewes and rams for efficient and early production of finished lambs

Maternal characteristics of fertility, easy lambing, milking and mother

Exceptional and high-yielding carcase attributes desired by butchers

“Every Bellevue ram we sell is a product of a breeding program that places maximum emphasis on measuring and selecting for our commercial clients’ prime lamb needs,“ Mr Curtis said.

“Optimum yields, early maturity and weight gain, enough fat for excellent eating quality and maternal traits, visual selection for structural correctness, quality, temperament, and soundness.“

Bellevue’s Annual online only Autumn Joining Dorper and White Dorper Ram Sale will commence 10am Thursday, 13 February 2025 and conclude 1pm Friday, 14 February 2025 on AuctionsPlus.

The rams are fully assessed, including LambPlan data to assist prime lamb producers take the guesswork out of their selections.

Our latest models are more beautiful than ever, 100 per cent Lambplan, 100 per cent guaranteed.

Complementary delivery is offered to major centres in Queensland and New South Wales.

Contact David Curtis 0427 066 535 or register for sale updates at