Investing in next gen

Aussie Land & Livestock junior promotions officer Kyla Milne.

Since its inception in 2004, Aussie Land & Livestock has invested in the next generation.

Directors James Bredhauer and Midge Thompson are passionate about introducing and encouraging young people in the agricultural industry.

Just as their mentors gave them opportunities as young men, James and Midge have continued the legacy, providing the same opportunity to the young people of today.

Mr Bredhauer said employing young people gave them a start and helped the long-term sustainability of the community, which benefitted everybody.

“The community surrounding agriculture is a very important part of the wellbeing of the industry as a whole,” he said.

“The roles within Aussie Land & Livestock are both diverse and interesting for the young up- coming adults.

“Within the office, roles include administration, marketing and PR.

“Out in the field, you will see the younger employees get involved in the saleyards drafting, livestock handling and working among cattle buyers, vendors and agents.

“Aussie Land & Livestock also employ up and coming sales agents, real estate

salespeople and auctioneers.”

In the past, Aussie Land & Livestock has mentored high school students who have then won Queensland Young Auctioneer and also placed second in the national competition.

As Chloe Plowman and Kyla Milne, confirm in their staff profiles below, long-term employment is encouraged with clear career path options offered.

Chloe Plowman

* How long have you worked at Aussie Land & Livestock?

I first started at Aussie Land & Livestock in October 2019, working after school at the fortnightly Coolabunia cattle sales until finishing school in 2021.

I then approached (Aussie Land & Livestock director) James Bredhauer at the end of 2021 to see if there was an opportunity to join the team more permanently. I then worked part-time from the start of 2022 to full-time from the end of 2022.

* What is your role? And do you enjoy it?

My current role is junior real estate & livestock agent. This involves livestock administrations of fortnightly/monthly cattle sales (pre-sale, on sale day and post-sale), private sales and stud sales, aiding in real estate administration, marketing of livestock on socials and reception duties within the office.

I love my job. It’s what I dreamt of doing throughout my secondary schooling as it provides both theoretical and practical tasks on a daily basis. I work in the office, as well as out and about at cattle sales.

* What do you love about the agricultural Industry? And where do you think your future lies within that industry?

I have grown up in the agricultural industry and have a strong passion for cattle and the land. I love the diversity and quantity of pathways there are within the industry and how you can follow the process all the way through, from the beginning to end product. One of my major passions is showing stud beef cattle at local shows, the EKKA and Beef Australia, as well as breeding stud Angus cattle on my parent’s property Ruby Ridge Angus. I believe my future lies within this industry as an Angus and Angus-cross cattle breeder. And, as I gain more knowledge here with Aussie Land & Livestock, my goal is to become a real estate and livestock agent.

* What is your advice to other young people considering a career in agriculture?

My advice to younger people considering a career in agriculture is get out there amongst it and give everything – and anything – a go. The sky’s the limit. It is an industry where you will never stop learning and there are so many elders with so much knowledge. They are very willing to share and pass this information on to young people who are eager and interested in the agricultural industry. Careers in agriculture can also take you down so many diverse pathways, as well as developing connections in so many different avenues.

Kyla Milne

* How long have you worked at Aussie Land & Livestock?

Between 2019 and 2020 I had a few stints with Aussie Land & Livestock, making a few advertisements and property videos for them. I even worked at the saleyards once or twice helping out where I could. I was offered a job mid-way through 2021, where I started managing all social media platforms and promotional designs for the company, as well as administration duties.

* What is your role? And do you enjoy it?

I am now the junior promotions officer. Basically, I make the brand itself look appealing to current and future clients. I am the photographer for listing properties, for any special cattle sales such as our bull and female sales, as well as filming videos.

I have always enjoyed creating and have always had a knack for digital and creative design and promotion. It’s something that I’ve kind of always done and started to work towards making it my profession when I left school.

* What do you love about the Agricultural Industry? And where do you think your future lies within that industry?

Growing up near Brisbane, I used to love going up to my grandparent’s property on weekends near Mount Stanley. Being around horses and cattle, driving tractors and having room to run and breathe fresh air, rural living was where I had always wanted to end up. I was lucky enough to grow up being involved and, learning how important Australia’s agricultural industry is, and to now officially be working within it. I know that I am now the future of the agricultural industry.

* What is your advice to other young people considering a career in agriculture?

Unfortunately, young people don’t realise just how vital the industry is, mainly because it isn’t being taught in schools or promoted for them to become a part of it. Unless you have grown up on the land, it isn’t an industry young people consider joining or even want to learn about. Current farmers and producers are more than willing to teach and pass on any knowledge, even offer traineeships or jobs for those willing to learn. So, my advice is to any young person who’s looking for that lifestyle change, is looking for something new to do or even wants to know more about Australia’s agricultural industry, is to give it go, try a few different things, learn from others and see what really goes on in our country behind the concrete walls of the city.