Sustainable food supply chains lead conversations at protein conference

The Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE) protein conference in 2022.

Southern Queensland’s protein sectors are set to share best practice and encourage collaboration across the beef, pork, poultry and dairy sectors at the Protein conference in Dalby on 22 March.

Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE) are facilitating the conference, where local producers, business owners and industry representatives are expected to attend.

TSBE Food Leaders Australia (FLA) general manager Justin Heaven said he was excited to present an outstanding program of industry leaders who will commentate sustainable food supply chains.

“Every day we get one day closer to our 2030 carbon neutral deadline, but the time is now to introduce measures to ensure no net release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are released into the atmosphere from 2030,” he said.

“With sustainability at the forefront of discussions, the Protein 2023 speakers have been carefully curated to include representation from decision makers along with producers on the ground.

“Panel session themes are biosecurity, sustainability, animal welfare, new energy project, production improvements with shedded systems and demystifying carbon markets and net zero.”

Mr Heaven encourages anyone who works in the protein sector to attend TSBE’s Protein conference, to ensure the region maintains its strong reputation.

Compass Group Australia’s head of sustainability Simon Jackson is one of this year’s speakers who

will share valuable insights into Australia’s paddock to plate processes.

“Getting protein on plates is changing as we decarbonise our menus,“ he said.

“Understanding the complexity of global emission reduction strategies and the known challenges of ruminant animal emissions,

while balancing consumer demand is something we are constantly reviewing.

“Our targets are bold and require a ‘shift’ in how we consume protein. To achieve these targets, measures need to be implemented every step of the way.”

“This will be a marathon, not a sprint, but being in the know now will greatly benefit those within the protein sector in years to come.”

The Protein conference is expected to attract close to 200 attendees with local producers, business owners and industry representatives attending.

View the full program and book a ticket by visiting