Flinton Races committee raring to go

Flinton Races former treasurer Kate Drury, president Wendy Henning and secretary Karen Penfold.

A true bush race meeting that offers old-fashioned family fun is the drawcard of Flinton Races on Easter Saturday, 16 April.

A mixed crowd flocks to the Western Downs region town (population 42) in their hundreds to unplug and unwind over the long weekend and enjoy the five-race program with a $54,500 prize pool offered.

The main race is the Kerwick’s Earthworks-sponsored Flinton Cup.

Flinton Races committee president Wendy Henning said after two years of Covid-induced cancellations, the town was buzzing with excitement.

“Our country races offer safe family fun and cater for young and old,” she said.

“Flinton has been quiet for two years so we are excited to be back holding an event to remember.

“This year the races will be bigger and better than ever. We are keen and enthusiastic to hold the best event possible.”

Mrs Henning expects visitors to be drawn from a large radius, with inquiries coming from Sydney and Brisbane.

She said Flinton offered “quality country hospitality” including free camping, with many choosing to stay on the banks of the Moonie River.

“The Easter long weekend is traditionally a family time before the Easter bunny arrives on Sunday.”

The local P and C provides all food, with a paid champagne lunch offered under the traditional bough shed, made of tree logs covered in gum leaves.

Fashions on the field are hotly contested at Flinton, with $1000 prize money offered. “It’s dusty but people dress up to the nines,” Mrs Henning said.

And, the foot races at the day’s end are popular and competitive.

Mrs Henning said family time was during the day, with DJ Johnny Mac of Roma providing quality music for dancing until midnight.

“The Flinton race meet is a true bush meet where kids have the freedom to run and enjoy the buzz while guests gather under the gumleaf-covered bough shed to share some pre-race drinks, nibblies and a good old country yarn,” she said.

Tickets to enter cost $25 and need to be pre-purchased through the Outback Tickets link on the Facebook Events page.