Commonsense approach

Tony Horvath and Roslyn Ware with some of their Fairview Black Simmental bulls. (Contributed)

Fairview Black Simmentals will offer 47 Black Simmental composite bulls at its 2024 sale on Wednesday, 21 August, on-property at Fairview, Mungallala, Queensland.

This year’s sale team, according to Tony Horvath, has been produced with Fairview’s trademark “commonsense approach“.

It boasts some influential sires that have the unique genetic combination of maternal and fertility traits, as well as performance that is matched with carcase quality.

“Our profit-driven focus to providing commercial-relevant bulls is evident with 70 per cent of bulls being better than breed average for their All Purpose Index,“ Mr Horvath said.

“In all, 79pc ranked above-average for weaning weight EPD and 77pc catalogued are above breed average for yearling weight.

“Also, demonstrating the versatility of the Black Simmental, 68pc of our sale draft ranked better than breed average for their Terminal Index, providing the cattleman with an option for any commercial joining.“

Mr Horvath said a feature of this year’s sale draft was a large offering by WS Proclamation (26 sons), whom he described as “a truly unique individual“.

“His genetic credentials place him among the most elite sires, proven by his multi-trait top EPD rankings,“ Mr Horvath said.

“His sons have topped sales across the United States and his daughters are the envy of cattlemen for their fertility, quiet temperament, broody phenotype and excellent udders.“

Proclamation (now deceased) consistently sires impressive performance, extra volume, good feet and structure, with his progeny bringing added value to the marketplace.

Meanwhile, Fairview Black Simmentals’ standing sire Woonallee Legacy L183 is represented with 11 sons in the sale team.

“He has been a very successful bull for us with progeny sales to date exceeding $500,000,“ Mr Horvath said.

“A great structured bull, genetically well balanced and the fleshy type that you just can’t get any more meat on.

“He is wide-based, thick, deep and long. Not only has he proven himself with his growth and carcase, but he also has maternal power and is producing some exceptional daughters.“

BBS True Justice B10 is represented by three sons. According to Mr Horvath, he offers calving ease and growth in the one package. A slick-coated, free-moving bull with excellent phenotype that is backed by maternal excellence.

His dam BBS Miss Justice has earned her stripes as a prolific donor with high Stayability EPD. She sits in the top one per cent of the breed for her milk and maternal weaning weight EPD.

Other successful sires represented include Woonallee Pharaoh P364 and Woonallee Playboy P234.

Mr Horvath said Fairview’s sale bulls had been prepared with longevity in mind.

After weaning they are grown out on Buffel grass. From 80 days before sale, they are given a meal-based production lick, as well as oaten hay.

“We strive to take the guess work and assumption out of purchasing a Fairview bull,“ Mr Horvath said.

“We present our bulls in ready-to-work condition, showing enough growth and muscle expression to do their genetics justice.“

Fairview Black Simmentals have undergone extensive measuring and weighing throughout their life, as well as pre-sale semen and morphology testing.

Sale weights and supplementary pre-sale fat and muscle scanning is also done, as well as all bulls undergoing a comprehensive vaccination program.

With the combination of phenotypical raw data, IGS technology and Genomic enhanced EPDs, all coupled with structural soundness, clients are well informed to make selections on sale day, based on their individual breeding programs and target markets.

“At Fairview we understand that our role as a seedstock producer comes with a lot of responsibility,“ Mr Horvath said.

“We have long held the belief that a successful beef breeding operation is built around durable females that have fertility, milking ability, good dispositions and longevity.

“Our females must be able to produce and wean an exceptional calf on an annual basis and to also demonstrate efficiency on grass.

“It’s these cows that make a positive impact on our breeding program and it’s from these cows that the best new generation heifers and bulls are retained.

“We believe generational turnover is vital to accelerating genetic progress and we expect our heifers to produce right up there with their mothers and to continue to improve as they mature.

“The key to achieving this is getting them mated right and to be using the best predictable sires that are available.“

* Fairview Black Simmentals will offer 47 Black Simmental composite bulls at its 2024 bull sale on Wednesday, 21 August, on-property at Fairview, Mungallala, Queensland.