The Morgan family’s The Grove Shorthorns has won the 100-day HGP free export class in the hotly-contested 2022 RNA Paddock to Palate competition.
Spencer, Sophie, Megan and Godfrey Morgan of “Myall Grove”, Condamine were overall winners and runners-up in Class 40, with two pens of their Shorthorn steers totaling 754.25 and 739.88 points respectively.
The fourth generation, family-based seedstock operation also placed third overall in Class 37, completing a successful Ekka for the Morgan families.
“The Paddock to Palate competition is the best event of its type as it is so industry focused,” Spencer Morgan said.
“It’s the best way to benchmark your cattle when all entries are fed together and dead together, there is no room for discrepancy.
“We have supported the RNA event for 23 years and will continue to do so.”
* The Grove Shorthorns will offer 120 Shorthorn bulls, as well as some Durham Blacks at its 39th on-property sale at “Myall Grove”, Condamine on Thursday 15 September at 1pm.
Please contact Spencer Morgan on:
Mobile: 0427 277 262
Email: spenmorgan@bigpond.com